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English version at the end of the French book – Recipes for a Friend by Raymond Oliver, with illustrations by Jean Cocteau, was first published in 1964 by the Jean Giraudoux Gallery.
Following an introduction by journalist and historian Emmanuel Berl, Jean Cocteau’s 30 original red ink drawings and chef Raymond Olivier’s 60 recipes bear witness to a real mutual friendship that linked the two men, as well as to life in the arcades of the Palais Royal: the between-floors, the regulars, the rituals, the fried soles, consommés, and of course, Colette. In 2017, Les Éditions de l’Épure is once again republishing this splendid work -- this time with an English version -- in which a print by Jean Cocteau from the original version has been inserted as an independent work. English version at the end of the French book.
Caractéristiques du livre |
Année de parution : 2017
Editeur : Les Editions de l'Epure
Fabriqué en France
EAN : 9782352552857
Format : 250 x 315 Nombre de pages : 144 Nombre de recettes : 60 Poids : 1500 grammes |
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