In 10 years, Mimi Oka and Doug Fitch have created a series of culinary explorations through experimental and multi-sensorial dinners called “Orphic Feasts” in tribute to Guillaume Apollinaire and the Orphists, the first non figurative painters coming from the cubism, who aspired to purity in expression.
Cooks, guests, artists, story tellers, sculptors, Mimi Oka and Doug Fitch make living paintings with food, create edible installations, prepare dinners drawing their inspiration from puns, anecdotes, paintings, with a poetic angle and a great deal of humour. Their orphic fodders, whatever they are collective, lively or ephemeral cannot be part of an art gallery or a museum.
They draw their inspiration from everything but their approach is easy: they enhance the action of eating and try to extend it to all senses, including thought.
They create about ten shows throughout the world (Paris, Prague, Tokyo, New York, New Mexico…) and made two movies Five Feelings about Food and Food for Thought.
Caractéristiques du livre |
Année de parution : 2011
Editeur : Les Editions de l'Epure
Fabriqué en France
EAN : 9782352551737
Format : 150 x 240 Nombre de pages : 192 Poids : 364 grammes |
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