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Who actually knows where genuine miracles come from ? At the Prince de Galles hotel bar, when Christopher Gaglione himself brings up the vat in which the cocktail we have ordered has been, maturing, we may be allowed to wonder who inspired whom. Is it the head bartender or the climate of the setting which sparked that first inspiration ?
A captivating and incredibly generous man lays out his vision of the ideal cocktail : classic or signature, aged in the hotel’s cellar in its own splendid oak casks. The liqueurs, chosen and assembled by him, are coveted like a treasure or like the first fluttering of the heart when one feels the excitement of the hint of romance. He tastes each one of this ten casks day in, day out and even by the hour if necessary, to assess just the right time the mixture reaches its utmost point of maturation. This is atmosphere we seek out when we look for a spot at Les Heures on Thursdays and Fridays to taste a Saragota or a Grand Paris, cocktails that have taken the time to subtlely mature, telling our palates new tales. What we receive from the Prince de Galles’ master.
Les dix recettes |
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Authentic |
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Royal Navy |
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Grand Paris |
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Grand Paris |
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Cristolien |
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Decade |
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Jewel |
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Manhattan |
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Treasure |
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Saratoga |
Caractéristiques du livre
Année de parution : 2014
Dix façons de préparer proclamée Meilleure série de livres de cuisine de l’année 2009 pour la France par le jury des Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.
Chaque livret de la collection expose en 24 pages dix façons originales d’agrémenter un même aliment, préalablement présenté dans une courte préface. Le choix des papiers, ingres à la forme, vergé, velin, stone… la composition typographique, ainsi que la reliure fil de lin en font une édition originale de grande qualité.
Format : 12 x 21,5 cm
24 pages non rognées
Piqûre cahier d'écolier fil de lin
Papier de création
Editeur : Les Editions de l'Epure
Fabriqué en France