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Chocolate, Ten Ways of Preparing It

Chocolate, Ten Ways of Preparing It

de Laurence Alemanno
Collection Dix façons de préparer

10.00 €

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The cacao tree appeared so long ago on the earth that no one remembers when it first appeared. It was far before the first humans appeared, most likely in the Upper Amazon basin, in the midst of the wet, hot tropical forest!

When and how mankind got the idea to extract the nibs from the pod and eat them is difficult. Over time, chocolate began to take on different shapes and compositions. Making « modern » chocolate bars takes a lot of time and has many steps. As soon as they are freed from their pod, the cacao nibs ferment for a few days and then are dried in the sun. The beans are then cleaned, sorted and roasted to release the famous chocolate aroma! Shelled and ground while still hot, they are transformed into a cacao paste to which sugar and cacao butter is added. This mixture is then refined, conched, tempered – so that the chocolate remains smooth and shiny - and finally molded. Cocoa powder is produced from the hot pressed cacao paste, which enables the producers to extract the fatty parts, i.e. the cacao butter. White chocolate is made from cacao butter mixed with milk and sugar.
Here’s my wish for you to have fun making and enjoying these dishes. And keep in mind that a recipe is always a starting point – you have the right, even the duty, to change it as you like!


Les dix recettes

- Hot Goat Cheeses
- Hot Chocolate / Cold Chocolate
- Nicely Rounded Brioches Filled with Chocolate
- And my Auntie Laurence Came into the World
- Feed Your Man Rum, Coffee and Chocolate...
- The Quickest Solution for the Chocolate Munchies
- Apples and Pears and Chocolate -- Oh My!
- A Daring Savory Tart, Colored with Chocolate
- When Chocolate Cake Becomes Magic
- Four Cookies with American Berries and Nuts

Caractéristiques du livre

Année de parution : 2016
Dix façons de préparer proclamée Meilleure série de livres de cuisine de l’année 2009 pour la France par le jury des Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

Chaque livret de la collection expose en 24 pages dix façons originales d’agrémenter un même aliment, préalablement présenté dans une courte préface. Le choix des papiers, ingres à la forme, vergé, velin, stone… la composition typographique, ainsi que la reliure fil de lin en font une édition originale de grande qualité.

Format : 12 x 21,5 cm
24 pages non rognées
Piqûre cahier d'écolier fil de lin
Papier de création

Editeur : Les Editions de l'Epure
Fabriqué en France


Autour de : Chocolate, Ten Ways of Preparing It

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